Selasa, 28 September 2010

My Activity On Tuesday

Today I woke up at 5.30 am.
After that i pray Subuh and i take a bath.Then i prepared go to school. Then went to school but i was almost late.Then Mr.Mulyono come to my class and share the math test paper.After that,his handphone is ringing.And then,he asked it be returned the paper.And he say “ Test is cancelled “.
And then teachers meeting. In my class,i listening mp3 in my handphone.

After that,Mr.Mulyono is come back in my class. He comes with a sheet of paper and answer sheet about the current work such as exams.And then paper is share in my class.Oh no!!!It is absorption test with Sains class.sit was set by teacher and there are two different subject for this time.absent 1 until 19 was doing Math and absent 20 until 36 was doing Biology.It is very difficult,becauseit is lesson from grade one until grade three and last night i not studied it,because i do’t know will there absorption test.And then we had breaking and i and my friend ate.

After that,i come back in my class and test again. This time,we doing Physics and Chemistry test. Absent 1 until 19 was doing Phisycs and absent 20 until 36 was doing chemistry.Again and again difficult test.And then we had breaking and i and my friend was pray together.And then we come back to our class. I was studied Chemystry,but Mr.Joko was absent because he was meeting.After that it was to go home.

At home i pray Ashar. And then i studied Math because tomorrow there will be a test. At 18.30 i pray Maghrib and then i ate.After that i pray Isya and prepared my book for tomorrow i bring to my school. Ater that i studied Math And at 22.030 i slept

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